Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Grandma & I had a little stampede fun with the kiddos. We went to a breakfast at Ranchman's, kids loved the live music and face painting.
 Rachel kicking up her heals with Grandma
 Katie enjoyed the party
 Liam the little tiger
 Mmmmm pancakes and sausages
 My little cowboy down on the grounds.
It was a big deal to go down to the grounds with the kids as we NEVER go down - once in 11 yrs prior to this year. I actually went down twice as I had a ticket to Garth Brooks (best concert EVER). Bryan went down that night too, to the chucks with friends. Then Mom & I took the kidlets down on the last Sunday. They LOVED it. I don't have many pics as I forgot my camera. Mom brought hers but many of the photos are out of focus:( I don't think I need to photos to remember what a great day we had - TAILS show, Super Dogs, corndogs, visiting animals in the rain, riding the C-Train.
 Liam loved the guns at the military display
 Rocket riding by Katie & Rachel
 What's a rodeo without some animals
 Liam looking good buddy!
 Sargent Katie
Giddy Up

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Looks like every one had a great time.