Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tummy Time for Ginger

Everyone keeps commenting and asking about Rachel's hair color - yes it is red(ish). Depending on the light it looks very red, other times more auburn. I really hope she keeps this color, I love it. My hair was auburn when I was younger and Bryan has a fair bit of red in his hair too, particularly his goatee. I think her hair is just beautiful!
Enjoying some tummy time on her playmat. I actually love that it has no bells and whistles, just a cozy, thick, colorful and textural playmat. It is a much loved gift! It is from Ikea.
A little rest - notice how she is grabbing the mat in her little fist
Here we go again. She actually rolled herself over a couple nights ago. She always sleeps on her belly and when I woke to feed her she was on her back! Liam did the same at about 5-6wks - he too was a belly sleeper. She isn't really capable of rolling herself yet, it was a fluke, but she sure does try hard to get there when she is awake on her belly - great exercise for stregthening those neck and core muscles.
The rolls on her little legs and starting to get cankles.

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

The pics. are beautiful, I love her hair color too, she is really cute & growing so fast, my hair used to have a red tint to it when I was younger.