Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Settling into life on maternity leave

Our happy little girlie is enjoying the view of the world from different positions these days, here she is proped up in the corner of the couch in her bright summer jammies. She is smiling and cooing all the time now, but continues to dislike her car seat and swing. I am also packing away the newborn clothes as she packs on the ounces.
My rant about clothes - I wish that stores would be consistent in their sizing!! I needed some short sleeved onsies for her in a 3 month size, so I measured the same brands against each other to try to avoid wasting my time and money....no luck, I bought some and brought them home and the new ones are HUGE compared to the ones I already had...Grrrr!
The crossed eyes are lessening in frequency and intensity.
A miracle...asleep in her swing while I cooked in the kitchen (it didn't last long). With just me to hold her now it is a challenge to get things done when she is awake and wants to be cuddled. The swing usually only buys me 10-15 minutes so I have to work in hyperdrive!
Smurf or Braveheart?
The kids have had less supervised and structured time with Bryan back to work and have gotten into some mischief...this being a prime example! Oh, well he had fun and it was washable.

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