Saturday, September 3, 2011

Camping & Boating with the Larsens

We spent the last weekend of August enjoying the heat (30) and sun at Little Bow Provincial Park. We camped, ate, tubed, ate, wake surfed, ate and did a little sleeping. It was a fantastic weekend with great friends. Special thanks to Matt and family for taking us out on the boat, and Maddie and Eric for being the "Liam retrievers" every time he took off alone on his bike.

 Sandcastles on the beach

 Lazy Daddies - Dave and Bryan "relax" after their morning on the boat

 Bryan was doing a little child-minding while relaxing

 Liam on the little paddle boat dock at the beach

 Bryan Wake Surfing - everyone was impressed at how quickly he caught on.

 Liam enjoyed being adventurous - he climbed this tree in our campsite, but he couldn't get down

 The kidlets loved the boat

 Maddie, Katie & Eric on the tube - they had so much fun!

 Paige, Bryan & Liam on what was supposed to be a "smooth ride" - Liam got so much air he would have been thrown off had Bryan not grabbed him! He LOVED it, laughing and screaming - he is an adrenaline junky. Although that would have changed had he hit the water.

Laura & I enjoyed the boat with Carrie. I did get on the tube with Liam and Katie for a ride into the beach - Matt was kind and it was gentle. I am getting old as I do not have a stomach for these things the way I used to! Rachel slept the whole time on the boat.

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Looks like you guys had a great time boating, I think I would have enjoyed this. It's good that you can fine time to relax.