Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rachel's 1st day

Rachel & her cow the kids picked out for her
1st cuddles with Sis
He's so proud of his baby
skin to skin - Katie shared her pink blanket
Big Sis called the Grandmas with the news
Blazer the "mother dog" checks Rachel out, she and Oakley didn't want to miss a thing
most of the family gathered together - Mia & the cats are missing
weighing in - final verdict 8lbs 4 oz
bright eyed and bushy tailed for her exam
Midwife in training helps with the exam
Little feet
Our fabulous birth team - AnneMarie, Nicola & Viv


Anonymous said...

Congrats Chrissy and family!!! Good work and finally!!! Enjoy your newest edition and get some rest...THEN COME VISIT!!!!
All the best,

mamaknows said...

congrats on becoming a family of 5! Bryan and yourself are now officially out numbered lol.Glad to see she arrived safely until a beautiful family,also I love her name ,a beautiful name for a beautiful girl :) Wishing you all the best ,Sheena and family xo