Saturday, July 9, 2011

Announcing Our Newest Addition...

Rachel Quinn Mouland
July 8, 2011 5:16am
8lbs 4oz & 21in
Born at Home
Snuggles with proud big brother & big sister

LabourlandIn labour, looking more peaceful than I remember feeling
Working harder now
Almost done!
She's here!
Katie & Liam get their 1st look
Daddy, katie & Liam cutting the cord
She certainly didn't look "overdue" with lots of vernix and not at all wrinkley
So happy to be a family of 5!


The Morihira Family said...

Congrats! What a beautiful family!! You look absolutely radiant in that "bliss" picture.

ali said...

Looks like it was a lovely birth :) Welcome Rachel!

Danielle said...

We are so happy for all of you! Welcome to the world, Rachel, what a beautiful name. Amazing news. Thanks for sharing your incredible moments.

MrsRat said...

Thank you for sharing such lovely photos. I found your blog searching for pictures of women in 'labourland'. I would like to ask permission to use your photo on a handout I'm creating about the hormones of labour. I would be happy to send you a copy.