Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mossleigh Lion's Club Stampede Breakfast

Rachel's 1st outing was to the Mossleigh Lion's Club Stampede breakfast on Sunday. She wasn't a fan of her carseat but didn't have to stay in it long. It probably didn't help having her siblings poking and prodding her all the way there (only a 5 min drive). She was the hit of the breakfast and her attendance will make it into the Mossleigh newsletter as the youngest attendee at 2 days old.
The only clothing purchase I made while pregnant was this cute Stampede outfit - she was of course mistaken as a boy.
Liam in his duds and (dirty) cowboy hat
Miss "Cowgirl" Katie
Riding the broncing teeter totter ride at the park
Giddy Up ducky!
All tuckered out from eating pancakes & sausage!


Danielle said...

Still can't believe there's THREE of them now, Chrissy! Good for you for getting out to enjoy the breakfast, you look so good. xoxo Dani

Mouland Family said...

Thanks Dani! I can't believe theres 3 either! we are out numbered.