Monday, August 27, 2012

13 months (3 wks late)

Rachel is a happy healthy 13 months old! She can walk, CAN being the operati ve word, but chooses not too. She takes 5 or 6 steps at times, but mostly crawls.She is chattering away - "hi", "bye", "done", "boo", "iam" (Liam),"isss" (sis). She tries so hard to emulate sounds we make.
She has adjusted pretty well to me being back to work, but after about the 3rd day (I tend to work 4 days in a row) she gets a bit needy. She thinks she is a big kid - wants to ride Liam's bike, loves the trike, tries to ride the skateboard. She is too big for her britches!
Little miss went for a ride on the quad with daddy. She had been playing in the yard with no shoes on, her helmet on as she had been on a bike and a sweater. So I passed her up to Bryan to sit in his lap, with no shoes on. Her little foot dangled at just the right spot to touch the exhaust and she got a nasty burn. This was 2 days later:( She is coping well, has figured out how to stand up and now that the pain has subsided is content.
Trying out Liam's bike


Krista said...

Oh look at that burn. Ouch!! Thank God she's a tough little girl.

Grammy Mo said...

Grammy,s girl is sooo pretty.