Tuesday, June 12, 2012

T-minus 1 month to...

One Year Old!
Rachel is 11 months old now. She stood on her own for the first time (that we saw) on Sun June 3. She has been trying to do so for a while, getting up on one knee and pushing up but didn't have the balance to get up. I cannot get a picture of her though, the moment I grab the camera she sits down.
There are lots of sounds coming out of her..."Mamama" and "Bababa", some "Tatata" and she clucks her tongue (for several weeks now), there is also a "whassssit" sound that she makes. She loves it when I say she is a "Babababa Baaaaad Baby"....this gets her going "babababa" like crazy. I am trying to sign the simple signs with her - please, thank you, eat, drink as she has taken to whining and shrieking for food and drink, but she has yet to sign anything back. She is loving finger foods, would prefer to feed herself than be fed with a spoon. She has eaten cubes of hamburger, chicken, pork, and veggies - loves carrots, potatoes. peas. corn. Pizza cut up and just yesturday her first chicken finger...oh yes and like any good Canadian, Timbits. She loves blueberries and raspberries (she will soon have to eat her weight in raspberries daily, so this is good news).


She climbs, climbs, climbs everything...this week she started climbing onto the chairs, couch and the window seat in my office. She is not sure that she can get down off these things sometimes though and will sit and whine, waiting for help. She is adventurous!
Lots of funny faces to be found around this little "bug"(see below)...she is a clown!

She is flexbile, and a little gymnast...I wish I had half of her abilities! And she uses her feet like hands soemtimes, so she often has a toe (big or baby) hanging out the side of her sandals from spreading them to grip things.
She loves to cuddle with her stuffies and blankets when she is tired, and plays peek-a-boo with them when she is awake. I love when she is tired or just needs a little break how she will climb up into my lap for a little snuggle. She is still our little "snuggle bug" or just "bug".
The other side of her is the "bug", she will climb up on the pretense of giving you a hug and will chomp down on your shoulder, or leg and bite you! I am trying her to break her of it but not being too successful, Katie & I seem to be her favorite targets.


Grammy Mo said...

Beautiful pics, she is growing up too fast. She is sooo sweet.

Mouland Family said...

Hopefully she'll see you soon!

Krista said...

What a little cutie!! You are growing up so fast. xoxoxo