Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Month!

Little Miss Rachel is already 1 month old, and as you can tell she is happy about it! She is starting to smile, and these are the first real smiles caught on camera. She is also really strong, practicing lifting her head when she's on her belly or upright. She continues to be a happy content baby and has started sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night a few times per week - too bad Mommy isn't very good at going to bed with her and capitalizing on those hours. She is a little piglet when it comes to food and at 3.5wks weighed in at 9lbs 8oz - up 1.5lbs from birth. She is taking a bottle fairly well, to promote this we are trying to give her one every 2-3 days. Her next checkup is on Wed Aug 17, almost 6 weeks old then.
She's been to the chiropractor twice now to help her with her carseat troubles, and it has been helpful. She continues to dislike it but is able to spend time in it awake now without screaming. She however is unable to spend time in the grocery store awake in her carseat and I am sure she can smell the store and it wakes her if she is awake, she then proceeds to scream until I take her out can put her in the sling - where she is contendly fall back asleep. It makes me dread getting groceries, but I have become adept at picking up 18L of water while wearing a baby! She is awake a little more, usually during the afternoons and evenings - which will be both good and bad for Daddy who returned to work yesturday. Good as it means he'll get to interact with her when he gets home, bad because he is anxious to get home and get chores done, which is more difficult with a baby in your arms. Grandma arrived Monday and finally got to meet her newest grandbaby...they are enjoying some bonding time as Grandma has MOVED to AB and is staying with us until she buys and moves into her own house. We had a little celebration on Aug 7 with family and friends, welcoming Rachel to the world and it was a fanastic turnout - thank you to all who came, brought food and were very generous with goodies for Rachel - we are so blessed to have you all in our lives:)
Enjoying a "huggle" with her penguin
A classic Rachel pose
"Look at Me" proud of herself for lifting her head
Another pose with the penguin
Raspberry cupcakes to celebrate Rachel with family and friends


Grammy Mo said...

She is beautiful, she looks so bright & alert, love the pics.

Mouland Family said...

Thanks Grammy - she sure is growing fast, by the time you meet her at Christmas she'll be trying to sit up!!