Saturday, August 6, 2011

Calaway Park and Tractor Ride

Tot Yahts at Calaway Park.
The kids & I enjoyed a day at Calaway Park with the Strydom's. It was great for me to have company and the boys were wonderful taking Katie on rides that she needed an "adult" to go on. She was fearless and had a lot of fun. Liam enjoyed going on rides by himself, until it was time to get off. Both the kids were really good and Rachel enjoyed snuggles with Auntie Nicola and naps in the stroller where she could lay on her tummy.
Liam & Rachel on the Merry-Go-Round with Nic.
I took Katie on the log ride - I must be getting old because I was nervous going down the drops and that was my favorite ride as a kid! I took them both on a spiny, tipsy, high up in the air ride and had to restrain a scream while they both laughed and screeched in delight.
Katie found her horse - Sparkle - on the Merry-go-round
Lunch Break - Liam's leg, Jonathon, Katie, Nicola, Darren and Michael
Rachel crashed in the stroller
Katie on the ship with the boys, front row, middle, orange shirt, on the right side of the mast
Liam on the Baja Buggies
Waiting in line at the Strawberries, one of Katie's Fav rides
Fun in the yard at homeSwinging
Rachel's 1st tractor ride - Bryan's been dying to take her out
Katie's fav - swinging on the gates & of course what Sissy does Liam must do too

Attempt at a photo of all of them


Grammy Mo said...

The pictures are really nice looks like kids had a great time at the park. Rachel is beautiful, she seems so bright.

Grammy Mo said...

Happy Birthday to my big baby boy, hope you enjoy your day, Love Mom, xoxo.