Thursday, August 18, 2011

Grandparents and the Honey Farm

Snuggles with Grandma - which she loves. It has been great to have the extra hands around in the evenings since Bryan has gone to work and we have so much to do on the property. The kids are enjoying having Grandma here very much. She is well into the house hunt, more news to come later.
Katie & Liam saw an episode of "The Cat in the Hat" in the early spring, and Cat in the Hat took Nick and Sally in his "shrink machine" to a bee hive to see how the hive works. Katie hs been fascinated bees and honey since then,, asking to go to the honey farm. We finally got there last week. She really enjoyed what was a very educational outing, and listened intently to the "tour" which was actually a presentation. She has been talking about it non-stop since and we think this may be where we have her birthday party.
Liam checking out the hive on display
An example of a hive - we see these all over the place on the edge of farmers fields - it was interesting to learn what they do with them.
Katie exploring the tools of the trade
Looking for the queen bee
Listening to the "tour"
A little antsy but still interested
Grandpa T - he says he isn't into babies but you couldn't tell from this picture
Snuggles wit Grandma T - her first visitor at just 5 hours old
Crashed in Grandma T's cozy arms

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Great pics Chrissy. It must great having your mom there with you.