Thursday, July 21, 2011

Odds and Sods

A rare deer sighting in the field around our property
Sweet sleeping baby
Miette keeping Rachel company in her swing
The strawberry patch - these are the plants we inherited with the property. Last year we got nothing out of them, this year they are full! We bought 80 more plants that we put in another section and they are doing really well too. In the fall we will move them all into one large patch.
Bryan is the head strawberry picker
We haul in one of these daily right now and they are soooo sweet.
A sample of our specimens - perfection!
Rachel & I weeding - she liked the swing but didn't like me squatting and encroaching on her space so it was hard to be productive
One section of the garden - new strawberries and onions in the back, radishes, beans and then herbs and the pea fence on the left in the back. Bryan has been on top of the weeds and it looks great back there!


Grammy Mo. said...

Your pics. are really nice & Rachel looks sooo cute.

Grammy Mo. said...

Katie & Laim seems to be having a great time camping, very nice pics.