Friday, July 22, 2011

Cutie Pie

Here's our little cutie pie - 2 weeks old today! She weighed in at 8lbs 6oz on Wed at her checkup.
This week she had her first bottle from Daddy - allowing Mommy some future freedom. She also slept a nice 6 hour stretch one night, in exchange for that though we had a very long evening of her being awake, happy enough, but wanting to be held. Mommy is reminding herself to enjoy these cuddle times and not be in such a rush to accomplish stuff as these times pass fast! She continues to be very happy, but is proving to only be content in her carseat with a full belly and being ready for a nap, otherwise she does have a good set of lungs and knows how to use them!
Looking like a girl - thanks Auntie Krista!

Chatting with Katie
The terrible, oops, I mean "terrific three"

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