Monday, July 4, 2011

Canada Day, Soccer & Sprinklers

Liam waiting for the parade to start
We spent Canada Day at the Blackie celebrations - parade, kids playzone, tractor pulls and fireworks, with a nap and BBQ squeezed in the middle. It was "the best day ever" in Katie's words. Blackie really does a great job for having a population of 300 ppl - the fireworks were especially spectacular.
Katie waiting patiently
The firedog
Scrambling for candy - only in such a tiny place can they still throw candy
Patriotic horses
Brandy, Leland and Kiera came out to enjoy the day too
On a fire engine
Soccer Round Up
Last day of soccer, she wouldn't wait for me to get a picture when she got her certificate
Proud little soccer player
The spring was really cool, but it has finally warmed up enough to get the sprinkler out and the kids are thrilled.
Liam on the go
Katie's turn
Wettng their hair
Round and round they go

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