Saturday, July 16, 2011

1 Week Old Already!!

Checking out the big guy!
The tradition continues. I found this penguin and had to buy it for her for her monthly photos. She wouldn't look at the camera, she was so interested in the penguin. She is such a happy little girl, very quiet and content. All our babies have been content but she seems more so than the other two - maybe it is just because I am SO grateful she is a happy baby as the other 2 are so full of energy. She is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time and nursing like a champion. Her color is great, just a little yellow tinge in the corners of her eyes and at 5 days she was 8lbs 1oz - only down 3 oz from her birth weight. She is awake a little more often now and starting to make little baby noises. Thankfully she has settled in her car seat and not screaming - we drive so much a sreaming baby in a car seat would not be bearable. The newness of their little sister is wearing off Katie & Liam, although they still love her and ask about her as soon as they wake up in the morning, they are not so "obsessed" with her. They've had a fun 2 weeks having completed their swimming lessons and each passed their levels. We celebrated by taking them to Dairy Queen.
Enjoy some pictures of the week...
Cross eyed!
Big eyes!
Bright eyed and busy tailed
1 week old
Bryan came out the front door the other day to find Liam with this salamander in his hands, not sure where he found him but he was pretty intrigued by the little critter. He certainly is a boy and had a hard time parting with his new friend!
Look Daddy!
Watching him crawl
Sitting him on the stool
5 days old - our Chiro gave her the "cervical pillow" as a gift - she certainly seems more comfy with it as it does t job of holding her head up.
We finally got around to drinking the bottle of champagne I bought to celebrate Rachel's birth - I bought when I was about 38 weeks pregnant. I wasn't feeling like making a cake so Co-Op graciously made one for us to enjoy. The kids enjoyed the little celebration, Rachel didn't really care, but remained happy despite being woken from her nap.
Patiently waiting for Rachel's birthday cake
Popping the champagne
Blowing out the candle
Katie LIKED the champers- she kept stealing more. Liam not so much, took a sip and then screwed up his nose, wouldn't even pretend to take another one for a photo.
Daddy & his little girlie


mamaknows said...

Time flies!! One week already,Brayden is almost 7 months old and it flew by,Im not sure if its because with multiple children your that much busier or if its because we have done this before ;)I think she looks alot like you!and like her Brayden is also a very quiet and happy baby,I say hes just happy to be here lol.I look forward to more pictures soon,sheena

Danielle said...

Love seeing the updates! When you're ready for a visit, let me know. Gloria and I are conspiring to sneak away together to come coo over your new little one & pay you a little attention. xo D