Sunday, May 1, 2011

Whoooooo Are You?

We have an owl that makes himself at home around the property. I've seen him quite often, however have not been able to get a photo of him before. This morning he was perched in tree out by the shop when Bryan and the kids went to dump the torro and he wasn't roused. I was able to get pretty close to him, and get some pretty good photos before I tripped up on some unstable rocks and he flew off. He sure is a handsome fellow!

We are in full-on spring clean up mode and so grateful to still have the Torro being stored at our place - we moved A LOT of leaves this weekend, out of beds, and then A LOT of mulch into the beds. The kids loved all the rides and things are looking pretty spiffy out there despite being brown and dull.

Buried in the leaves - I don't know how they sat there, but they did it over & over again

Our neighbours up the road have a poultry farm and their baby turkeys and chicks arrived April 21st. We've headed up to see them a couple times. Liam has proven to be quite the poultry wrangler and may have himself a part time job come slaughter time.

Katie was a little nervous

Love for the turkeys

Love this - baby turkey in full flight!

So soft!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Awesome photos. Can't believe that owl - beautiful! Loved the easter hops.