Monday, April 25, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

We hope that everyone had a lovely Easter. We sure did. The kiddies got up and did their egg hunt and found their baskets before Mommy had to head off to work. They spent the day enjoying the spring weather, some neighbours dropped by for visits and then some baseball with Auntie & Uncle before yummy rotisserie chicken dinner (thanks Daddy), and a little cake to celebrate Auntie Crystal's birthday. Barb & Dave joine dus for dinner too!

They crashed pretty hard at bedtime!

A few days before Easter the kids painted some plaster Easter eggs.

Katie creating

Hard at work creating his master piece egg!

Easter Morning - the bunny hid a few eggs for them to find. Katie was too smart, looking in drawers and such. We had to explain that the bunny hides eggs so the littlest child can find them too, so they probably weren't inside drawers. She took the greater haul but was very kind in sharing with Liam. New sunhats for each of them - too bad they didn't wear them outside as Katie got a nice burn

Pleased as punch to eat chocolate at 7am - there was NO telling him no.

This egg was standing upright under the water tower - clever bunny!

He hide an egg in the easel

They sure enjoyed the baskets-o-fun with lots of little things to keep them busy outside

He was pretending to be the Easter Bunny, practicing his hops - after about 6 chocolates at 7:30am!

The kids have been enjoying watching baseball with us on TV and Liam is obsessed with his glove and ball he got for his birthday from Auntie Bev & Uncle Pete, so I suggested to the Easter Bunny that a T-ball set may be well enjoyed. It sure was! We opened it up before dinner when Uncle Justin & Auntie Crystal arrived...the only trouble was the sharing part - Liam thought it was just for him, but eventually he realized there was fun in fielding the ball too.

He was very precise in hitting the ball, but there was no swing first

Lesson from Uncle Justin

Katie's turn to bat

No worries about a big swing from this one - she wanted to hit the grand salammie!

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