Friday, May 13, 2011

Soccer & single digits!

We put Katie into Super Soccer in Okotoks this year. She wanted to play last year but with our move it was too much to commit to with the other activities she was already in. This is just 1 hour per week at the rec centre, not competitive and she is really enjoying it.

Warming Up


In action

Kick Katie!

Watching Katie - he is so good, a pleasant surprise as I was expecting to be chasing him off the field. I think he is afraid I'll leave him there as he goes to Time for 2s before soccer and then pick him up after I drop Katie off and is stuck to me like glue for about 20 mins after I pick him up.

We are into single digit count down of weeks until baby makes his/her arrival. Something about this makes it more real and like time is passing faster. I miscounted how many weeks along I am and was pleasantly surprised at my check up Tues when my midwife said, you're 32+wks, not 31+wks. I knew this, but somehow lost count along the way (better than going the other direction)!

Mommy & Proud Big sister-to-be. Liam was around but as I was using the self timer I couldn't "wait" for him so he didn't make it into the pictures (again)

32 weeks of baby belly.

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