Sunday, May 22, 2011

Baby Mouland - Ultrasound

As our friends and family, you know that we tend to do things a little "differently" sometimes. Instead of the ususal 18-20 week ultrasound we had an ultrasound this past week at 34 weeks. As with Liam & Gabbi we had initially decided against ultrasound, however given our distance to a hospital and the plan for a home birth our midwives suggested considering having one to check out babe's heart, lungs, and kidneys "just in case". We were agreeable to doing this, however did not want to risk something showing up at 18 weeks that would give us weeks of worry and monitoring. Turns out we made wise decisions all around! Baby is healthy and growing well, but has a little anomally - only two vessels, instead of three, in its umbilical cord. This often means nothing, but can be an indicator of growth restriction (not in our case); kidney troubles (not in our case) or a heart concern - this we can not overly concerned about, but could not comepletely rule out as the techinician was unable to get all the views of the heart due to babe's size and positioning. What does this mean? We are off for a "fetal echo cardiogram" (specialized u/s of the heart) on Tuesday to be sure. Had we gone for u/s at 18 weeks they would not have been able to rule anything out as babe would not have been developed enough, so there would have definately been more monitoring and testing advised - leading to more stress for us. We did enjoy seeing our little person and took advantage of getting some pictures. We did NOT find out sex of baby, so stay tuned for that surprise on D-day:) Only 6ish weeks to go.

Babe's profile picture - you can see a cross section of the umbilical cord with 2 vessles in front of baby's lips (looks like 2 little bubbles attached to each other)

Baby's face - chubby little cheeks:)

Baby's spine - he or she is curled up like a cat in a ball with a foot wedged nicely into my ribs on the right side of my body (VERY painful when sitting for long periods).


Danielle said...

Good luck with the echo cardio - Chance had a heart anomoly & we had a similar process to go through. As you know, he is normal. Or -- well healthy anyways, haha. A friend of mine had the 2 vessels only on umbelical cord with her 2nd babe, he is just fine too! Sure nice to see your little one's face already though, so cute. Wishing you relief from that foot & good health otherwise. xoxo D

Mouland Family said...

Haha, thanks for the positive stories. We're not worried but are glad we havent had to go through this for 5 months.