Sunday, February 13, 2011

Liam's Birthday, take 2

We had a little family dinner to celebrate Lìam`s birthday yesturday. It was a quiet evening of pasta and cake. I tried a new cake recipe, coconut, it was very yummy, I wish I had used a creamcheese frosting though as the butter cream hardens and is just not as melt-in-your-mouth. It seems that every birthday I forget how much work the darn cake is and am cursing myself as I spend hours decorating. It must be like childbirth...I forget the pain in order to experience the joy of their little faces when they see their cakes!

Liam`s 2nd birthday cake - I wanted to makeit blue and red like Thomas but found my red food coloring had dried out and couldn`t get any in Okotoks...can`t wait for the Michaels to open there soon!

Help from Sophia with presents
The smarties were the big hit on the cake with the kids

He wouldn`t leave the smarties alone to blow out the candles.

Favorite glove from Auntie Bev & Uncle Pete. Thanks you! And thanks to Auntie
Murlene & Uncle Lee too;)

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