Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween, the best ever I think. Friday we carved up the pumpkins with Uncle Justin & Auntie Crystal - they all came out great! Yesturday we hosted a little party pre-tr
ick or treating, for the neighbors we know and a few we've met but haven't had time to get to know. It was a fantastic evening terrorizing the unsuspecting neighbors as 3 van loads of kids and parents showed up at each house. We were invited in to every house for a few minutes of catching up and in our case introductions, as we knew very few of them. Three hours and 12-25 houses later we regrouped at our house for a drink and then all went home. We've been told by the neighbors this is now an annual tradition, thankfully we are in agreement. We LOVE the community out here and are so pleased and blessed to have been welcomed with open arms.
Thanks to Grandma for her hard, and talented work making the children's costumes again this year, they loved them and were just adorable.
Justin's, ours and Crystal's jack-o-lantren creation
Uncle Justin

Liam loved the gooey pumpkin inards

Auntie Crystal hard at work.

The Mouland design team

The dog, cat, mouse and a referee to keep the peace.

I couldn't get a pick of them looking at the camera as they were too .busy kicking the little pumpkin around like a football

Meowww - Our little kitty

Liam the puppy and his little pumpkin

Sarah, Katie & Megan

A lot of the neighbors were surprised by our large, spooky group, but they sure enjoyed the kids.

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