Thursday, August 5, 2010

18 mths old

And no picture!
Liam is 18 months old now, I can hardly believe it! He had his "check-up" at the doctor's office on Tues and weighed in at a hefty 26lbs and 32in long. Unfortunately I can't take a pic of him with his giraffe as Bryan has the camera up in the NWT on a hunting trip. I'll take one when he comes home on the 15th.
Liam is all settled into his big boy bed, well I think that happened the first day he slept in it, but he is awfully proud of himself. He is starting to try to dress himself, loves putting his shorts/pants on and helping with his shoes. He jabbers away constantly, his favorite thing to say being "Meeee" which we hear whenever he wants something, and usually accompanied by him frantically signing please. We can't keep him out of the berry bushes, eating unripened Saskatoons when he can't reach the ripe ones, not helping the ongoing bowel isses, however they are at least good for him. If he sees berries or pictures of berries or anything that resembles berries he says "burrri" over and over again. He is also animal obsessed - particulary dogs, I think he thinks he is a dog. He "rufffs" like a dog regularly and usually has one or two stuffed ones tucked under an arm. He's taken to horses too and goes a little crazy when he sees one or a picture of one. And cats, "mewwww" - I don't know where that came from but nonetheless it is very cute.
He does continue to have bowel issues and we are going through another round of testing to make sure there is no infection. His surgery is coming up, less than 4 weeks away now and he continues to do well, not bothered by the cyst.
It is so hard to believe he is closer to being 2 now than 1! It makes Momma sad, but excited too.

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