Anyone who knows Bryan & I well knows how much we love animals. We have been dogsitting Oakley, a 19mth old silver lab, for the last three weeks while his owners have been away. The premise of this is that it is a trial to see if Oakley could fit in with our family. They have to find a new home for him as they are moving back into the city from Cochrane and will be renting a house. Despite the fact that we may be crazy we couldn't say no - look at those eyes, could you??

At this point we do not know 100% for sure if Okaley is staying, not because we don't love him, but because his fmaily is looking into purchasing a home which would enable them to keep him. Thankfully we made the choice to tell Katie that we were just dog sitting as we didn't want her to get too attached and then him have to leave. Haha - jokes on us - he a chewed a few of her toys and wants him to GO home to "his family"! Liam on the other hand adores him (see below) and Mia and Blazer are making out alright. He is one big ball of energy but has settled in nicely given that he is a 19 month old puppy.

Romping around with the girls

Oakley and Liam love the window seat in my scrapbooking room

Just like a baby - the bes.t moments of the day
He certainly is a beautiful creature!
and he is offically staying...Happy Mother's day to me:) No, he has seriously settled in well and now it is training him that is the challenge, oops I mean task, at hand.
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