This was a much anticipated day - the canopy tour - otherwise known as the zipline! GRandma & Auntie Linda took the kids on the bridge walk through the tree tops (no pics yet as they are on Grandma's & Auntie Linda's cameras), while we went ziplining with Justin & Crystal. We had a ball, our only complaint was just as the adrenaline got going we had to stop so that they could move the guides forward to the next sets of platforms, leaving us waiting around in the tree tops.
We had also wanted to go into the waterfalls here, but decided to try to go to 2 different places in the same area in one day, spending 1/2 day at each.
This didn't turn out as we'd hoped as the second place was Rincon de la Vieja National Park, an old volcano and mud pots. What we didn't relaize in advance was that the hike in to the volcano was 2 hours - at 2:30 in the afternoon, in 38C, with 2 little people who have already been on the road all day, little cold water left and sunset at 6pm with a 1.5 hours drive home on dirt roads - we decided not to hike to the volcanos that day. As a constellation prize there was a beautiful, cold waterfall just an 8min walk in. A great, refreshing find.
One of the frustrations we had was it is very difficult to find comprehensive information on activities - we chose the canopy tour we did because it had the bridge walk for the kids. Little did we know there was a canopy tour at the Rincon, but I still don't know if they had child friendly activities. Oh well, fun was had all around regardless. Mom was adamant about seeing the volcano so she, Linda, Justin & Crystal drove back up the next day and did the hike, while we did our own thing. It was disappointing to get so close and not see them, but it would have been miserable for us, Katie couldn't have hiked it in that heat, so Bryan would have had to carry her, leaving me to carry Liam all the way by myself - sometimes we just have to make the tough choices.
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