Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Odds & Sods

 Here are a few pictures from the last week. Liam did really well with Katie of at school, he asked me several times a day where she was but enjoyed playing on his own and spending some time with Mommy. I was pleasantly surprised! He sure is growing up too!
 I love this sweater on him and he looks extra cute hugging his puppy. We bought him this dog when he had an obsession with Katie's stuffed kitten. It is his favorite stuffie and he has to have it to sleep. To avoid losing it he is not allowed to take it out of the house, but he tries to on a regular basis.

 Bye Bye Mommy!

 Boy do I look tired! A photo with the self timer of Rachel and I early one morning after sending Katie off on the bus. There are very few pics of her and I together.

 He sure can ride this little trike now, he will be ready for a big bike next year.

 Can you believe she is 5 (almost)?!

 This is a common sight these days, an apple in each hand wandering around outside.

 And this attitude is a common sight too...1 week in school and we already see a difference in her "big girl" attitude

Cake from week two, in honour of Katie starting school. I am not pleased with the decorating but I had to choose a completely different pattern from the suggested ones and then figure out how to ice it with 20 minutes left in the class. I was super pleased with how smooth I made the white icing and Katie loved the design.

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Great pics. as usual, The kids are really growing up, I can't wait to see them, I love looking at the pics of them. The cake looks really nice, Love G.rammy Mo