Sunday, September 11, 2011

2 Months Old

Rachel is 2 months old, for some reason I keep wanting to say she is three months...I think it is because of the way clothes are sized, although I know very well that sizes often do not match up with age (my 4 yr old wearing a size 6x??). So, yes all the newborn clothes have been put away and we are well into the 3 month sizes now. I hope the weather cools off a bit before she doesn't fit in some of the 3 month stuff that is warmer. I don't have a weight right now but you can see she is healthy and growing like a weed. She tends to go to bed at night around 8pm and sleeps until between 4 and 6am depending upon the day. She is smiling, giggling and cooing up a storm. She has also discovered her hands and sucks her fingers or thumb when she is sleeping, unfortunately this is not a helpful soothing method in the car seat for two reasons. Firstly it is hard to lift her hands to reach her mouth with the carseat straps. Secondly if she manages to reach and then falls asleep gravity takes over and her hand drops. So...she is still an unhappy camper in her carseat. Given the distances we have to drive to go anywhere she has loads of time to work herself up and then even the sling is a challenge because she wants to stretch out. She is enjoying time on her back now, playing with some hanging toys and making things rattle. Katie and Liam are really enjoying the fact that she is more interactive now. I think that having Rachel helps me to cope with some of the milestones the other two are reaching, knowing we are just starting down the path of milestones with her.

Cookie Cut Outs

I had to take flat cookies to my first cake decorating course so the kids and I had fun making and cutting out cookies, something we hadn't done for a while. They had so much fun, I don't know how many times Katie said "This is sooooo fun Mommy", which was really great to hear. It took me a little bit to let go and just let them go for it, there is a mess either way right? Katie was a great helper with Liam decorating his cookies.

I even got a picture taken after a short lesson to Katie with the camera.

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Mommy,s helpers, the cookies looks good, Rachel is sure growing, so cute.