Saturday, July 30, 2011

Camping at Kinbrook Island Provincial Park

We took the kidlets out to kinbrook Island, near Brooks, for 2 nights camping. It is a great campground for families with young children, a large playground and a large, clean sandy beach. Bryan and I enjoyed relaxing, after the initial stress of packing to get there, and the kids enjoyed a couple days of living outside and playing on the beach. And I must say camping with a 3 week old is the same as being at home with one - she ate, slept and pooped! I think it was a full day before our neighbours knew we had a baby with us:)
Enjoying a weiner roast post beach.
Rachel was at home in her bassinet, with a little mosquito protection.
Story time in the camper - some things can't change!
Cherries with Daddy
Mommy & Rachel's bed - she slept well and the nights were more than warm enough for her.
Liam's friends. The gulls were not afraid to walk up and try to take food, however a bet they've had a few rocks thrown at them as the promptly flew off when one bent over the find a rock.
Snuggle with Daddy after he dumped her out of the dingy into the lake
Liam enjoyed the sand more than the water
The kids had fun with Daddy pulling them around in the dingy.
Rachel's view of the beach
Snacks on the beach
Catching a few rays - not really we kept shifting her out of the sun as the shadows moved
Sunny herself is apparently hard work
Cuddles with Mommy
Another weiner roasting photo

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Very nice, looks like you had a great time.