Friday, June 10, 2011

Little Bow Provincial Park

Last weekend we booked a campsite and took off to Little Bow Provincial Park for come RnR camping. Bryan and I both thought we'd spend the weekend focused on what we "should" be doing at home, but were actually able to relax. Our neighbours in the next campsite had little people to and we all enjoyed each other's company, for us it provided distraction. The kids had a lot of fun. The park is quite nice for a couple days stay with a beach and docks for fishing off. We're going to go again in August.

Liam chilling in his chair by the fire after setting up camp

Katie waiting for marshmellows

Mmmmm roasted sugar on a stick

I was there too!

Liam had his little ride-on but couldn't keep up with us so we used a dog leash to pull him along behind up when we went for walks

Snuggles with Daddy

Our neighbors shared their fishing gear with us and all the kids enjoyed a little fishing time, however Katie was not very patient waiting for fish to bite and Liam had a short attention span to sit still.

Checking out the big fish

The man in the photo with the kids caught this massive swap fish - the kids loved it!

Fishing lesson with Daddy

Letting the fishies nibble their toes

Sitting on the dock

Loving the lake - it was evening so we didn't put them in swim suits, but we should have, we couldn't keep them out of the water

Our litte chef

Dancing in the lake

Mmmm hotdog on the beach

A little sibling love

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