Monday, May 30, 2011

Play Structure construction

A friend of Bryan's had a play structure on her holiday property that her family was done with and had no way to get rid of. We were looking for a play Bryan drove up to Bowdin, with her and a couple other friends to dismantle the structure and bring to our place. It was an adventure and a half to say the least, but we got it home. Then it started to rain, for 5 days! So Bryan worked on what he could in the shop and then rigged up a tarp to work in the yard. The sun came out just in time to finish it off. Of course he had some extra hands to help, and in his words, their excitement made it all worth it!

The outdoor assembly starts in the rain.

All tarped in, it was still wet and cold though.

Still smiling at this point.

The sun came out in time to put the roof on

Liam loved the drill, he kept draining the batteries playing with it.

Completed! Of course Bryan had to make it his own - cedar roof, an extra slide he picked up somewhere and an addition for the toddler swing.

One more view. Great Job Daddy! The kids love it (it is 9:30am and they have been out there for over 1/2 a hour already this morning).

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