Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March Madness

Well we thought spring had sprung after a week of lovely weather and melting snow but the last few days has seen temps below 0 and snow:( It is not really a surprise but we were enjoying the warmer weather. On the other hand the snow is a good reason for a fire and for that we need firewood. Liam was Daddy's helper yesturday and for his hard work he caught a lift back to the house from the shop. He was pretty pleased with his reward!
We had the Moores out for pizza and a movie night. The kids enjoyed making their own pizzas and picnicing in the living room before watching Megamind.
The Chefs at work

Katie the cheese fiend
A little help from Daddy

Katie & Liam carefully placing their toppings

Caleb making his and Tristan's pizzas

Tristan did not want to help make pizza!
He was one grumpy little man having been woken from his nap. picnic. Oakley is waiting for something to hit the floor.

Mmmmm Yummy Pizza!

1 comment:

Grammy Mo said...

Looks likre everyone is helping out, very nice pic, the horses are really nice.