Friday, January 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Finally pictures from Christmas Day. It was a quiet year this year as we were at home with the Proctor family - and I have no pictures of us all together - or of dinner:( We had a late start after a late night. Once everyone was up the kids opened their stockings and one Santa gift then it was time for our Wifesaver breakfast -a great idea I might add. We had a strict, small budget for gifts but I managed to stretch it quite far with each one getting 5 presents but I have come to realize just how overwhelming it is and that they DO NOT need all this stuff from us as so many other people are so kind and generous with them. So I have vowed that although the budget wasmore than reasonable I will be buying less next year, then they can enjoy what they receive without feeling overwhelmed.
After we opened presents with Grandma we all headed out to a dog kennel, owned by a friend's niece, to help walk the dogs, then home to finish cooking our yummy ham dinner and visit with Uncle Justin (who got home from work just in time) and Auntie Crystal. As usual the day flew by and before we knew it Christmas 2009 was over!
Unbelievable - 8:19 Christmas morning and everyone is still asleep....

How many years will this last?

snug as two bugs

Santa sure did visit though (and Mommy & Daddy & Grandma too) - the tree is exploding

Full stockings too

Santa gifts come with Special tags

Liam's too

Opening stockings

Christmas kisses for Blazer

Mmmmm breakfast in her new fairy wings from Santa

New bath towel from Grandma

THe greatest gift of all....children

Helping Daddy video

Santa gift # 2 - a keyboard

Drums for Liam from Santa - Mommy must talk to that Santa about noisey toys!

Thank you kisses for their gifts to each other -
Liam got a digger and a book and Katie got a coloring set

Mia enjoying her Christmas gift, and guarding Blazer's too

Little People Castle from Uncle Justin & Auntie Crystal - Thank you!

Liam finishing opening his gifts Christmas Day night - it took him all day

THe best toy of all - the box Uncle Justin & Auntie Crystal brought the gifts in!

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